Sunday, November 25, 2007

Forest of Lothlorien: Sports Addiction

Forest of Lothlorien: Sports Addiction

Sports Addiction

I have lately been engulfed with Carolina football. I thas made me resist reality and reorder sanity. I wonder if there's some cure for that. Am I the only one as obsessed with something such as this? Can this be looked at as quixotic or deranged? What makes us do this anyway? Tribal longing? Catharsis? Plain stupidity?

Inner World

This is my dog, Max. He occupies most of my time when I'm at home. Even though he is kind of a mutt, he looks exactly like a purebred Golden Retriever. He is about to turn eleven years old. As he ages he is getting very snooty and testy. He hates being left alone and demands treats. Do you have any pets? What are they like? I feel that pets actually own us. We feed and take care of them and they really don't perform any labor for us. Do you agree that we are the real pets?

Thursday, October 4, 2007


What would you say is the most influential event in the history of mankind? Is is religion-influenced? Sports? Politics? Please give me your thoughts.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Welcome to the World

Welcome to Anthony Williams' blog. Here you will find notes, posts, and bookmarks relating to Humanities and Public Speaking. There are also personal interest pages for you to browse. Feel free to come inside and look around.